File and path names

Well-organised file names and folder structures make it
easier to find and keep track of data files. Develop a
system that works for your project and use it consistently.
Good file names can provide useful cues to the content
and status of a file, can uniquely identify a file and can
help in classifying files. File names can contain project
acronyms, researchers’ initials, file type information, a
version number, file status information and date.
Best practice is to:
• create meaningful but brief names
• use file names to classify broad types of files
• avoid using spaces and special characters
• avoid very long file names

Whilst computers add basic information and properties to
a file, such as file type, date and time of creation and
modification, this is not reliable data management. It is
better to record and represent such essential information
in file names or through the folder structure.

Think carefully how best to structure files in folders, in
order to make it easy to locate and organise files and
versions. When working in collaboration the need for an
orderly structure is even higher.
Consider the best hierarchy for files, deciding whether a
deep or shallow hierarchy is preferable. Files can be
organised in folders according to types of: data –
databases, text, images, models, sound; research
activities – interviews, surveys, focus groups; or material –
data, documentation, publications.